The Professional Fonts & Clip Art CD-ROM
The Professional Fonts & Clip Art CD-ROM v1.0.iso
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Text File
88 lines
Randy E. Bouse
5320 Bradford Drive
Dallas, TX 75235
Online RandyB50
Special Thanks to:
Howard S. Colby
Brad Rice
Miles Abernathy (Miles is this better?) critic
Franceine Rees
Zenon Jakubiw(First Registered user of CatCaps)
C. L. Graves
Vineyard Chrisian Fellowship Metrowest
The fee for this typeface is $5 as is, check or money order (preferred).
Or send $10 and a disk and a list of the sizes of the bitmaps you would
like to have and I will try to oblige (within reason...like, don╒t ask for
127 point,etc...). Also, I can include (and probably will anyway) varying
spaces to help you set your own type. I like very close spacing, but if
you like to spread out your type, then this will be available from within
the font itself. This capability will be for those people who don╒t have
all the fancy new software that will do manual kerning, etc. (available
only to registered owners). [proposed spacing - units based on selected
point size - 1,1/2,1/4,1/8,1/16,1/32,1/64 and maybe smaller]
Also I can make available eps and pict versions if you wish.
Hello Font Lover,
My creating type faces for image setting all started with Bedrock. I call
it that because it reminds me of chunky rock letters and all I could think
of was the Flintstones town. An artist (Tony Balquin) had a layout to do
and the ad agencie gave him a sample velox (black and white print) of the
typeface. I told him give me two days and you can have the font on the
Mac. He was amazed. And it all went from there, all typefaces are created
from scannned in images from type books or samples from our other type
setting equipment.
Bedrock started out as BamBam, so you can get rid of it if you got that
PonchoVia 1.0.1 is a type that resembles the face use in the credits of
Perry Mason.
Madrid is a tall slim face used mainly for display, invitations, etc.
Madrid2 is a tall slim face used mainly for display, invitations, etc. with
upper and lowercase.
CatCaps Demo is a sample of the type face with cats on letters. For the
complete version mail $15.00 or $14.00 and a blank disk. Specify disk
LimeHouse is from press type scanned in from LetraSet¿ template.
All of my creations or convertions have been tested to download to
imagesetters such a Varityper 4200 and BirmySetter; also to laser writers
and Oce' printers.
I will assume you know what to do with this typeface. (use Font/DA Mover
3.2 or higher, don╒t let Font/DA Mover change the font id, etc...)
.........if you don╒t know how to work these, call!!! (not
collect) .........if you can╒t call, write
Concerning bitmaps; there is a good chance that it is not very clean (some
of them are however, and even print fairly well on ImageWriter - besides,
LaserWriter doesn╒t care what the bitmaps look like - you can use geneva
first, then switch to this face before printing). It will however,
automatically download to any PostScript Device i.e. LaserWriter,
Linotronic, or any of the new PostScript printers that are accessed by
AppleTalk. (Versions of this typeface can be prepared for manual
downloading as a text only file for non-Macintosh computers if the need
should arise.)
If you should happen to investigate any of the other typefaces I╒ve
uploaded you will probably discover that this is a form letter tacked on to
every one of them. You can skip reading the others, however, the ShareWare
fee remains. These typefaces may not be distributed without my permission
and without this read me file.
Thank you.
LetraSet¿ is a registered trademark of LetraSet Corporation.